Ramblings of a dude with too many plants …

Hello there! My name is Kevin Moran, I’m a communication designer, illustrator, teacher, dad (the terrible two’s on top of it), and indoor gardening novice turned expert from Toronto, Canada. As a freelance artist, I’ve spent many long days and late nights indoors staring at my computer while trading attention between tasks of family life and job opportunities.

My passion for design initially drove me to fill my office with foliage to make it more optically pleasing with a green aesthetic… but as life got busier and my indoor garden grew, I found it was a great way to schedule therapeutic time for myself and live a healthier life. My growing knowledge of plants has driven me to challenge myself with tougher plants within harsher Canadian conditions.

I’ve learned a lot since killing my first Blue Star Succulent (RIP Jeffery), and I’d like to share what I’ve learned over the years. I married my graphic communication skills with my knowledge of indoor plant life to provide helpful resources to new (and old) green thumbs. As I begun to get more experienced in the art of bringing the outside in, I encountered many common and not so common problems. This led me to creating this blog so that other plant lovers wouldn’t have to go through the same heartbreak of losing a new plant to simple mistakes (I still miss you Jeffrey).

I’m a firm believer that everyone should bring the outdoors inside. Not only to spruce up the look of your space, but also improve your indoor air quality, reduce stress, increase productivity, and live healthier. So good luck, and lets get growing!

Follow my journey:

Instagram @kevinmoran / TikTok @indoorfriends

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